Monday, March 16, 2009

Class 15 - Day 16!! Sooooo Sleepy!!

I was so tired yesterday - and cold - we went to the St. Patty's Day Parade.. in the rain and the snow.. and I don't think I have been that cold in a long time! I came home and crawled into my duvet and slept! I slept till 8pm then got up and ate and slept till 9am! Then I ate some toast and slept till 11:30am - then I finally got up and took Leo's 12pm class. I felt so crunchy from all of the sleeping... It was a good class. I was pretty focused - but that could be because I was still groggy from too much sleep. I didn't miss any postures. I have eaten and rinsed off.. and now I am going to read and then go and take the 4pm with Katherine - because I slept through yesterdays... so much for getting ahead during spring break!! I am just trying to keep up. I want to bank some classes this week in case I need a day off when I go back to school!

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